Friday, 3 June 2016



These gorgeously tasty biscuits take a while, but are really easy and are worth the wait! Don't be mislead by the name though- they contain no peanuts or any other nuts for that matter. Rolling them in the cinnamon sugar before they go in adds a sweet and caramelly flavour once cooked. Best eaten warm with hot chocolate!
Makes about 40!

225g softened butter        You will also need: 2 baking trays, an electric whisk,   (see step 1)                                     some bowls, a spatula/spoon.
315g Caster Sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
350g Plain Flour 
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Ground Cinnamon
100g Caster Sugar

Preheat your oven to 160°C. To soften the butter, EITHER take out and leave for approximately an hour before baking OR chop up, put into a bowl and place into the microwave for 20 seconds on 600 watts. To test if it is softened or not, squidge between your thumb and index finger.
Chop the butter up into a bowl.

Use an electric whisk to mix the sugar and butter together. When it is ready, it should resemble scrambled eggs, or look very pale in colour, light, fluffy and whipped. Add in one egg, and mix it in. Then add the other and mix again. Add the vanilla extract and mix. In a separate bowl, sieve in the flour, baking powder and salt. Then add this mixture to the butter-sugar mix. Keep using the whisk until it struggles, then use your hands to mould it into a fairly round dough. It should be sticky to the touch. 
To firm it up, wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate for approx fifteen minutes. This
Wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate.
will help to firm up the dough. Meanwhile, in a shallow bowl or dish, mix together the cinnamon and caster sugar to make the gorgeous cinnamon sugar. 
After the dough has been in the fridge for around fifteen minutes, or until it is like plasticine to the touch, take it out and unwrap. Have your scales handy. Pull off small balls of dough, each should measure around 20 - 25g. Press slightly to make into fat biscuit shapes, then roll generously in the cinnamon sugar.Then lay out on baking trays. If you want to "batch-bake" them, put them closer together, or , for a more rounded look, place further apart.
Bake in your preheated oven for 18 minutes (works in mine), or until they are starting to look golden brown around the edges, but still gold in the middle. Leave them to cool for around 10 - 15 minutes, or when you feel they are good to eat! If you eat them warm, they are chewy and melty. If they are completely cooled, they are crunchy and caramelised. Either way is delicious, and works especially well dunked in a hot drink!
But most of all,
Bon Appetit! 

The finished cookies!

Thursday, 2 June 2016


Foodsy Pie is a food and recipes blog aimed at younger or teenage chefs and bakers. All our recipes are tried and tested, include at least one photo and are usually quick and easy. We plan to include recipes for all occasions, from speedy on-the-go dinners to things like birthday cakes.
As the creator is British, all recipes will include British measurements only. Recipes are laid out as simply and easy to read as possible, and are very detailed.
We hope you enjoy the recipes, and for comments and suggestions, please write to me at: .
But most of all,
Bon Appetit!